
A Piece Of Cake @www.jarvisoj.com

nit yqmg mqrqn bxw mtjtm nq rqni fiklvbxu mqrqnl xwg dvmnzxu lqjnyxmt xatwnl, rzn nit uxnntm xmt zlzxuuk mtjtmmtg nq xl rqnl. nitmt vl wq bqwltwlzl qw yivbi exbivwtl pzxuvjk xl mqrqnl rzn nitmt vl atwtmxu xamttetwn xeqwa tsftmnl, xwg nit fzruvb, nixn mqrqnl ntwg nq gq lqet qm xuu qj nit jquuqyvwa: xbbtfn tutbnmqwvb fmqamxeevwa, fmqbtll gxnx qm fiklvbxu ftmbtfnvqwl tutbnmqwvbxuuk, qftmxnt xznqwqeqzluk nq lqet gtamtt, eqdt xmqzwg, qftmxnt fiklvbxu fxmnl qj vnltuj qm fiklvbxu fmqbtlltl, ltwlt xwg exwvfzuxnt nitvm twdvmqwetwn, xwg tsivrvn vwntuuvatwn rtixdvqm - tlftbvxuuk rtixdvqm yivbi evevbl izexwl qm qnitm xwvexul. juxa vl lzrlnvnzntfxllvldtmktxlkkqzaqnvn. buqltuk mtuxntg nq nit bqwbtfn qj x mqrqn vl nit jvtug qj lkwnitnvb rvquqak, yivbi lnzgvtl twnvnvtl yiqlt wxnzmt vl eqmt bqefxmxrut nq rtvwal nixw nq exbivwtl.   


{'a': 'g',
 'b': 'c',
 'c': '*',
 'd': 'v',
 'e': 'm',
 'f': 'p',
 'g': 'd',
 'h': '*',
 'i': 'h',
 'j': 'f',
 'k': 'y',
 'l': 's',
 'm': 'r',
 'n': 't',
 'o': '*',
 'p': 'q',
 'q': 'o',
 'r': 'b',
 's': 'x',
 't': 'e',
 'u': 'l',
 'v': 'i',
 'w': 'n',
 'x': 'a',
 'y': 'w',
 'z': 'u',
 ' ': ' ',
 ',': ',',
 '.': '.',
 ':': ':',
 '-': '-'}

wifi.cap.d4e4d22bc8fe925bf0ccb9382056ce8e crack problem

wifi.cap.d4e4d22bc8fe925bf0ccb9382056ce8e is a challenge @ https://www.jarvisoj.com.

It is in the BASIC Tab.

I got the cap file, and run with aircrack-ng in WSL, then got the output below:

aircrack-ng -w p.txt wifi.cap.d4e4d22bc8fe925bf0ccb9382056ce8e
Reading packets, please wait...
Opening wifi.cap.d4e4d22bc8fe925bf0ccb9382056ce8e
Read 6539 packets.

   #  BSSID              ESSID                     Encryption

   1  56:0A:64:FF:E9:17  Flag_is_here              WPA (0 handshake)

Choosing first network as target.

Reading packets, please wait...
Opening wifi.cap.d4e4d22bc8fe925bf0ccb9382056ce8e
Read 6539 packets.

1 potential targets

Packets contained no EAPOL data; unable to process this AP.

But I tried it again on my VPS, and got the key normally...

                                 Aircrack-ng 1.2 beta3

                   [00:00:00] 1 keys tested (700.40 k/s)

                           KEY FOUND! [ 11223344 ]

      Master Key     : 38 19 96 51 DB 57 C2 29 A4 5A 55 D9 20 25 6C 3B
                       D5 21 9B C7 8C 0B 42 EB 01 67 BB 4E 38 EC 44 42

      Transient Key  : 76 BD EF 88 51 07 CA B3 DC 30 7D 7E AA 49 AC 2E
                       9A 38 29 FD AF 1E 59 C7 A3 9F 9D C0 1C 91 53 AA
                       DA BE 57 43 0C 21 FA CA 66 DE F4 72 47 E0 B0 35
                       72 55 6E 13 16 66 D0 2E 74 4E 4C 05 DE 46 BC 9B

      EAPOL HMAC     : 91 B7 11 2F 71 48 42 6E 20 02 F7 CC 79 FA 6C 31

Then I found the versions of aircrack-ng in different machines were different. One is 1.2 beta, the other is 1.6 .

I don't know if it's the version or the WSL caused this problem.


How to Cheat in Clicker Hero2 with CE

Clicker Hero2 is a fun game.
For having more fun with this game, I want to use my cheat engine on it.

Some values can be easily found. Like ruby, energy, mana . But others can not be simply found with the value displayed in the game.

After some analazing, I sovled the mystery.
The values are saved in the format of  Scientific notation.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_notation)
A value is divided into 2 double(8 byte) memory.
The first is coefficient(the value before "e"), the second is the exponent(The value after "e").

If the gold displayed on the screen is 44.3e10 or 443e9,  just scan the double value 4.43(NOT 44.3, NOT 443) .
When you found the address, add it to the address list.
Then right click the list item we just added, choose "Browse this memory region".
In the "Memory Viewer", right click the value displayed as hex, choose "Display type -> Double".
Now you can find your GOLD here. Double click to change the value.

About Skill Point.

Skill point is not saved in memory directly, but the difference between Level and Points.

SavedValue = Level - Points -1

And SavedValue is also in the format of  Scientific notation.
